World's Most Powerful Money Making System

When starting a business, we often begin with visions of thousands and then millions of dollars. If you can't dream big, why even start a business in the first place - right? According to Frank Trueblood, creator of the "World's Most Powerful Money Making System," that thought process is backward. Trueblood's approach is to figure out how to make $100 and once you've figured that out, just keep duplicating the process until you make hundreds of thousands of dollars and then do the process all over again - continuously.

In 1995, Trueblood began with a $5 investment that he turned into $300,000. At that time he was working with offline businesses such as direct sales, mail order and storefront agencies such as insurance and car dealerships. With his step-by-step process he was able to help business owners realize success - both short-term and long-term.

With the introduction of the Internet and the flood of online business opportunities, Trueblood has taken his original concept and used it for multy level marketing opportunities and direct sales programs with a myriad of compensation plans. His system works for every one of them. In fact he reports having recruited between 200-300 new distributors in 30 days as well as an entire group for a down line in the same amount of time.

When the whole process began, Trueblood started with a simple intention. He wanted to:

• Make the most amount of money
• In the least amount of time
• With the least amount of effort
• With the least amount of investment

With that intention and by looking at the cost of doing business (CODB), Trueblood designed a step-by-step process that helped him achieve his objectives. Once he had turned that first $5 into $300,000, he completed the process again from start to finish, with similar results - and he continues doing the same thing - only now he begins with $100 each month and turns it into $230,000+.

The process makes it seem simple and understated, but according to Trueblood, if you work the system in the correct way, it helps bring success both immediate and long-term. The concept might be simple, but the most effective ones usually are.